
Timebox and due date reminder notifications 👀

Timebox notifications

What are they?

Timebox notifications are notifications for anything on the timebox. You will get notifications for both calendar events and timeboxed tasks.

You can enable them on iOS by going to Settings -> Notifications and toggling "Timebox notifications" on. You can also specifiy if you want to receive the notifications exactly at the time of the task OR a little bit before.

Timebox notifications on Desktop

The Ellie desktop apps can also access notifications as well! To access, go to Settings -> Notifications and enabled "Timebox notifications". You can also enable due date notifications if you have that power feature enabled.

Due date notifications

If you have the Due date power feature enabled, you will see a new notification section appear in settings to enable due date reminder notifications.

You can learn more about them here 👇

🎯Due dates

Last updated